Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Pages of pages to Pages

What in the ____ is the fuss all about?
The pages went up the Hill
To learn how our Government operates
And bends to the People’s will.

They learned well how the people in power
React to the threat to their station.
Or rather the lack of proper response
And their self serving, quiet, inaction.

Well, the lesson, it seems, continues apace
I hope everyone understands.
True power resides, not in powerful lies,
But by citizen’s voicing demands.

From the very beginning of the National Creed
The voices cried out for protection of speech
Demanding Amendments before ratifying
Constitutional limits on government’s reach.

So the masses are stirring
Protesters speak out
True power in action
Is what the fuss is about.

Now, into the circle file...

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