Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Elections, Southern Style

Leave it to the GOP to call reaching out to the KKK as reaching out to its base. As Chris Floyd writes in the above linked article,

“Freed but disenfranchised, emancipated but still in chains, balked by law and brutal custom from full participation in society, the Southern blacks also made handy targets to divert the anger and dissatisfaction of the "poor white trash" from the elites that exploited them as well, albeit less severely. If even the poorest white man could consider himself superior to someone, if you could keep him tied up in psychological and emotional knots about inferior darkies messing with his women, going to his schools, sitting at his lunch counters, drinking from his water fountains, swimming in his public pools, living in his neighborhoods, why then he'd never make common cause with his black brothers and sisters in poverty to fight for a better life.”

The whole idea of the KKK was simply to keep the poor, undereducated white folk too busy acting “better than” to ever become aware of their own disenfranchisement. Look at that black man looking at a white woman not at what the real Boss is doing to his pocket book. It seems that simple minds, courtesy of our public school system, has been well worth the money for the ruling class. The same can be said for the Religious (sounding) Reich, point to someone worshipping God differently, instant distraction from the shrinking paycheck. Best of all, you can do it in a 30 second sound bite. In America, the only history that doesn’t start with Monday morning’s New York Times, is the bigotry that lives in too many hearts.

A quick aside. Thanks to Jon Steward and Steven Colber(t) I can get through all this political bile. Tim Robbin’s appearance on Steve’s show tonight had me not just laughing out loud but actually clapping for his performance, while sitting alone at home! We’re going to need our humor in the Halliburton Camps if they manage to steal this next election also.

Now, into the circle file...

Thursday, October 26, 2006

My First Clue

My first clue, that something odd was going on? The lack of interceptor aircraft accompanying the second plane. Everything after that was just a technically impressive piece of propaganda to panic the Sheeple into going to war. Even before the Resident was anointed, in every political discussion I had, I only had two points if Republicans were to gain the Presidency: Average people would get economically screwed; We’d be at war within the first year. Only later was I able to more concisely define what happened that Autumn day. It was the original “Shock and Awe” campaign.

Unlike so many of my fellow citizens, I remember reading about how prohibitively expensive asbestos removal from the Towers was going to be. My memory includes reading about electrolysis problems where aluminum met steel and how expensive it was going to be to rectify that problem. There was also some discussion as to how deconstruction would be more than double the construction costs. Talk about two birds with one stone. To learn that building 7 housed the records of on going SEC investigations explains that bit of stagecraft.

The final seal on the deal was that the anthrax attacks were targeted at Democrats opposed to the (un)Patriot Act.

Now, into the circle file...

Monday, October 23, 2006

My Latest Nightmare

My latest nightmare, at first glance,
Might seem a reversal to my previous stance,
But the cretins in control
Have a very different goal
It’s a much more complicated dance.

Don’t be fooled because the dunce
Fooled us thrice and not just once
In the stealing of elections
Using wholesale indiscretions
Among their illegal stunts.

Oh, but this next time, I fear,
More insidious and drear,
They’ll allow the votes unfettered
To proceed, then claim it’s bettered
By the use of electronic gear.

So, they loose some seats in congress,
They don’t care, it’s much too ponderous
To contain the crooks that run things
And the laws in place that fear brings.
No, their plan is much more onerous.

“See how fair and so convenient,
E-machines are so expedient
That from now ALL votes will be
Made electronically.”
Making re-counts a missing ingredient.

The constitution says our government
Should above all be transparent.
But the liars that do lead now
Work in secret to conceal how
Little is apparent.

Paper trails are too restrictive.
Elimination is explicative.
They will stop at nothing less
Than control by corporate mess.
To prove our crying “Wolf” may be their missive.

Now, into the circle file...

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Big Brother goes to School

Once again Cris Floyd is connecting some dots. Thanks to the new law (thank you, yellow bellied minions on the congressional dole) signed into existence last Tuesday, on the Residence's whim any individual He deems a threat to "National Security" can be picked up, whisked off to some undisclosable location, and interrogated (terrorized) without benefit of legal representation. Since He knows that at least 60% of us disagree with at least one of his policies, He needs a new tool to find out who among his subjects dare to print dissent. As this would require way too much reading for an illiterate, the guvment has hired four schools of higher education to devise a software program to do the reading for him.

Big Bro intends not only that the trains be gonna running on time, who gets tickets to the camps will be determined by software. Won't even be needing any Eichmanns this time. Just hire a bunch of college kids to write a program ("I didn't think they would misuse it," I can hear their future proclamations as they get caught up in a program run amok), as the Resident proclaims he is doing his job of "Keeping Americans safe." Funny me, I thought his job was to Protect and Defend the Constitution. Looks like half the population is going to end up guarding the incarcerated other half.

In local news, a nearby town recently armed their five man police force with fully automatic rifles. The bull here in Texas is getting more dangerous on a daily basis.

In national news the Dow broke 1200, whoopie, of course adjusted for inflation, it just caught up to the value it had in 1967.

Oh, in case this has been too subtle for the software, this is dissent with both fact and opinion.

Now, into the circle file...

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Terror, Terror, Terror

With out doubt the propaganda's been successful, in congress at least. The Resident is now Cowboy King George. Pre Magna Carta, above the law and below contempt. The laughable 32%, quaking in fear and whom congress, for some ungodly reason, desires to impress have driven our country into some freaky semblance of a dictatorship ruled by a dry drunk.

His shining star, the Iraq war. The "War on Terror" a simple side note simply enacted to consolidate power. Every action by the rabble in power have had only one aim in mind. The creation of an Imperial Presence. Oh, they call it an Unitary Executive, but them's just fancy words. what they want is unchecked power, beholden to none. Drooling with the idea of a big daddy strong man giving them permission to fullfill their wildest fantasies and sickest dreams.

Now, since our(?) congress has given them free rein, our only hope is the collapse of our army in Iraq. The growing resistance to that illegal (a fact quite often overlooked) war by the men and women fighting there might bring the whole fiasco to a grinding halt and throwing public light on the hell hole of a mess that passes for public office in these modern times, jar the sombulant population into action. After all, this experiment we call the U.S.A. is supposed to be directed by "WE THE PEOPLE."

Now, into the circle file...

Friday, October 06, 2006

Indian Wars

In honor of the five year anniversary of the invasion of Afghanistan and the Five hundred and fourteenth Anniversary of the invasion of the Western Hemisphere:

A weekend framed in celebration
Of a process flamed by insinuation
Easily explained as continuation
Of the Glorious Indian War.

Columbus came to expand the slave trade
Casting blame, breaking promises made.
Creating shame is blatantly played
In the Glorious Indian War.

Don’t teach your children how to think
They’ll only grow despondent
Indoctrinate and teach them hate
Then join them being sombulent.

All hail the famed red, white, blue nation
Conquering lamed by inducing starvation
More of the same through indoctrination
For the Glorious Indian War.

Let us pray and continue our situation
Of conquering prey and domination
Ignore the way we have entered stagnation
With the Glorious Indian War.

Now, into the circle file...

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Remember: It's not just pedophiles and their enablers.

Regarding the GOP (Guardians Of Pedophiles) scandal now filling the minds of the media and public, if it serves to remove the Resident's enablers is a good thing. That damage, though real, only affected a certain number of teens. Let us not lose sight of the real damage that Congress did to this country last week. That damage was done to each and every one of us:
Yale Law Professor Bruce Ackerman states in the L.A. Times, "The compromise legislation....authorizes the president to seize American citizens as enemy combatants, even if they have never left the United States. And once thrown into military prison, they cannot expect a trial by their peers or any other of the normal protections of the Bill of Rights."

Similarly, law Professor Marty Lederman explains: "this [subsection (ii) of the definition of 'unlawful enemy combatant'] means that if the Pentagon says you're an unlawful enemy combatant -- using whatever criteria they wish -- then as far as Congress, and U.S. law, is concerned, you are one, whether or not you have had any connection to 'hostilities' at all."

As we (Paul Joseph Watson) reported on Friday, the bill also contains a definition of "wrongfully aiding the enemy" which labels all American citizens who breach their "allegiance" to President Bush and the actions of his government as terrorists subject to possible arrest, torture and conviction in front of a military tribunal.

Other facts we need to not forget: War in Afghanistan/Iraq/Iran; Paper ballots; Education; And all the other Rights not labeled in the Constitution, but referred to in the Tenth Amendment.

Each, every, and any moral action that returns control to WE THE PEOPLE and removes the reigns of power from the cretins in Washington is a blessing from God (no matter how or even if you worship him/her/it).

Now, into the circle file...

Pages of pages to Pages

What in the ____ is the fuss all about?
The pages went up the Hill
To learn how our Government operates
And bends to the People’s will.

They learned well how the people in power
React to the threat to their station.
Or rather the lack of proper response
And their self serving, quiet, inaction.

Well, the lesson, it seems, continues apace
I hope everyone understands.
True power resides, not in powerful lies,
But by citizen’s voicing demands.

From the very beginning of the National Creed
The voices cried out for protection of speech
Demanding Amendments before ratifying
Constitutional limits on government’s reach.

So the masses are stirring
Protesters speak out
True power in action
Is what the fuss is about.

Now, into the circle file...

Monday, October 02, 2006

Points to Ponder

The Congress voted for secret Torture
You have no right to remain silent
No attorney will be present.
Arrested on suspicion of the President
That you are a Terrorist.
Meanwhile on prime time
Commercials are pushing
Viagra and sugar and sleep aids
Get busy. Quit thinking. Go back to sleep.

Get with the program they said,
“Let us lead.” And over a cliff they proceed.
Do you really want to follow
That dark path they have embarqued?
Wanting to know everything about everyone
While working in secret themselves.
There is a word for that, “Totalitarian.”

Most of your taxes now feed the war machine
Instead of feeding or schooling our children.
The Government backed a coup in Venezuela
To benefit multinational business.
Now they claim a coup that overthrew
A corrupted congress in Thailand was wrong.
So, shut up, eat your sugar, and turn on the TV.
Until you fall asleep again.

There is a call for new harsher laws on immigration
Having not enforced the ones already written.
The drive to ban all abortions
Now includes banning all contraception.
In a country founded on freedom, the government wants to control every aspect of our lives.
And when truth is inconvenient to “Our Leaders“, they conveniently tells lies.

A religion founded on charity and forgiveness
Has become a weapon to justify killing and plunder.
The Speaker of the House covers for a pedophile Preaches Christian values while in Hubris the A.G. tells the Courts to be humble.
The President says his job is not to protect and defend as he swore in his induction.
His job, he says, is to protect us, keep us safe, even if it means destroying the Constitution.

No one claims to know the Republican’s largest contributor as the “Contract for America” became “The Contract on America.”
The ideological drive to remove “Liberals” from Congress becomes driven by greed.
The driving force of office holders is to stay in office long enough to earn a pension.
The total lack of values and concern for citizens drives belief into suspension.

Watch Bill Moyers on PBS Wednesday for the Tip of an Iceburg.

Now, into the circle file...

October Surprises

Statements like this from "The Committee on the Present Danger" scare me:

The Hon. Henry Cooper

Director, Strategic Defense Initiative, 1990–93
Chief U.S. Negotiator, Geneva Defense and Space Talks with the Soviet Union, 1987–89
Deputy Negotiator, Geneva Defense and Space Talks with the Soviet Union, 1985–87

"Terrorism poses as potent a threat to our freedom as did communism – preserving our liberty while winning the war on terrorism may be more difficult than was ending the 'evil empire.' "

The Battle Carrier Group Eisenhower deploys this week for the Persian Gulf instead of docking as scheduled for maintenance. It is due off the coast of Iran on or about October 21. This info comes via Ray McGovern (27 year veteran of the CIA, retired 1990).

On October 7 a large Emergency Responders Training Exercise is scheduled to occur in several major cities. The last time there was a training exercise this large was September 11, 2001. If an other "Terrorist" attack occurs Bush will have free reign (by the sleep walking American public) to launch an attack on Iran.

Now, into the circle file...

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Woodward's Woeful Words

An eloquently crafted tale,
The masses with which to regale,
Lay the blame away from Bush
And save his sorry, little tush.
Now, to the rescue does Woodward sail.

It’s Cheney’s, Rumsfeld’s, Brenner’s fault,
The officers won’t say what’s what.
Intelligence too flawed and worse
Connecting dots is such a curse.
Short of Bush, the buck must stop!

No harm must touch this Christian King
His praise on high his minions sing.
The blame away from him must shine,
Bush cries, “The fault is never mine!
Dad, a Savior to me bring!”

Daddy Bush can’t help it, see,
He does what Barbra does decree
To once again from failure save,
(He’ll do this till he’s in his grave),
Responds at once to Georgie’s plea.

And, daddy calls his long time friend,
“Dear Woody, use your words to bend
The truth enough to save my child.
I fear he’s gone a little wild.”
So, Woodward puts to work his pen.

This oft told tale of privileged claim
Plays out again and plays the same.
Time after time, the mess is cleaned
By daddy going to extremes
To misdirect the mark of shame.

Now, into the circle file...