Saturday, December 30, 2006

If the Bible is right then Ford is in Hell

I'm happy to learn that I'm not the only one that hasn't forgiven Ex Prez Ford for his pardon to Nixon. America didn't need healing, it needed accountability. America didn't need comforting, it needed justice. And by the time Ford's reign was over, his crimes of aiding and abetting murder put him on par with every other President since Woodrow Wilson and a couple before.

Ford and Carter were the most insidious due to their "Nice Guy" images. The average American is so willing to accept the facade rendered by the Mainstream Media that they are unwilling to read the back pages of the Wall Street Journal and learn what our government is really doing.

What I can't decide is whether it is laziness that keeps them from pursuing the truth or fear. The narcotic of TV serves either, but I believe it's the former for even in fear most people will still do what's right. Acquiescing to the wrongs of our Nation cannot be excused by fear. While laziness does not excuse inaction, it plausibly explains it. Our children will never forgive us if we do not act. Besides, a life lived right cut short beats a life lived long and lazy and wrong.

Now, into the circle file...

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Simple Words, Simple man.

In looking at differing parts of each other it’s easy to separate us and them and with anger, vengeance, or fear forget the love that man Jesus comes sharing again. Share your love with ALL. He said, “Live your life in love, like I have.” Giving every thing he had and never needing lies to guide us.

Simple words, a simple man, but simply put, so often taken, used by those with darker plans. His legacy is oft forsaken. Healing words, spirit lifting, telling us to be forgiving. Two or more is where a Church is, meant for sharing, celebrating. When you feel the need to pray, go in a closet, night or day.

Often movements, down through time, all start with good and high intentions, till some fellow acting wise, utilizes his discretion. Picking, choosing bits and pieces. Misconstruing simple thesis’. Elevating his own needs, his flock he fleeces. Multitudes don’t often bother reading texts their faith is based on. Easier to learn by rote, then parroting their Leader’s quote to argue pointedly, basing their points on supposition.

It’s not the book, it’s the word he said. The word that was spoken, not words that are read. And the word above ALL others is LOVE.

*I used to sit and write a poem at one setting. This one took a while. Since my last post.

Now, into the circle file...