Friday, February 23, 2007

Independance in the US

I discovered Dawkins almost as soon as I learned there was any controversy about evolution. Since at the time I was still a church going Catholic and the Pope had no problem with Darwin, so I didn't bother exploring his views. Catching him on C-Span the other night was, to say the least, enjoyable. As far as religious conflicts go, I've come to a new conclusion: If your religion lacks a feminine Godhead, you've picked a
looser; The less organized your religion is, the better off you are! My favorite of Dawkins' statements was, (to paraphrase) "If your morals are predicated on fear of God, I fear you losing your faith."

As far as our "Christian" founders, this bit of propaganda has long been swallowed by the incurious public. I blame our public schools in large part. Most of my teachers would send me to the library rather than open up the class to discussions when I questioned the information in the textbooks. My childish curiosity, which, thankfully I still retain, has been viewed with an anathema by most people with any amount of authority. Seems to me that most people stifle their curiousness in order to keep from being singled out. Very few people can handle being "different." For all the talk of the "Independent American" pulled up by his own bootstraps, lonesome cowboy images portrayed on TV and film and portrayed by "maverick" politicians, try actually stepping outside of mainstream thinking and you'll quickly learn how much independence is valued by the herd mentality that predominates in our society.

Yesterday I learned that female chimps were making spears. Looks like whatever God there is might be getting ready to replace us.

Now, into the circle file...

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Land of the Free & the Brave?

I'm beginning to see through the lies to my youth
The bold propaganda they keep selling as truth
& my anger keeps growing, it intensifies
The more I'm assaulted by government lies.

All the advertised crap that insults me each day
Subsidized by the government, under its sway.
To the corporate tunes the politicos dance
While the populace slumbers, asleep in a trance.

The doomsday clock ticking, increasing its pace
And a nation of lemmings, all caught up in a race,
Bitching, biting each other, their skin colors wrong,
Celebrating their hate in a sickening song.

Proclaiming their God, the only one right.
Destroying the Earth, yet too frightened to fight
For the right to live free.
Be wary of talking if you disagree.

We're a nation in debt & we quit even trying
To keep track of people we're killing, they're dying
So we can spend hours just getting to work.
Degrading the world, we keep acting like jerks.

Little children go blind cause they don't have a dime
for the vitamin K & they're old 'for their time.
As we poison their land cause it's cheaper to screw them.
While stuffing ourselves full of crap and confusion.

All the while claiming, with unbending pride
We've the right to be greedy cause God's on our side.
So blinded by righteousness we don't understand
How damned we've become with this blood on our hands.

You don't have to be holding the gun or the axe,
You're complicit by paying the federal tax.
We no longer live in the land of the free or the brave
We're a nation of cowardly, corporate slaves.

Now, into the circle file...

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

To Know Now, Learn History

Been suffering with a slow connection, my high speed's on the blink, so I've been sitting on the sidelines, but...

Harold Pinter, a Nobel laureate,
first gives you 13 or 14 paragraphs written by him in '58 outlining his take on truth in fiction and it's OK to skip it. What follows is first a synopsis of American history as it should be taught in High School:
The United States supported and in many cases engendered every right wing military dictatorship in the world after the end of the Second World War. I refer to Indonesia, Greece, Uruguay, Brazil, Paraguay, Haiti, Turkey, the Philippines, Guatemala, El Salvador, and, of course, Chile. The horror the United States inflicted upon Chile in 1973 can never be purged and can never be forgiven.

That is how US foreign policy used to wage war. The Resident has taken it to an other level:

The United States no longer bothers about low intensity conflict. It no longer sees any point in being reticent or even devious. It puts its cards on the table without fear or favour. It quite simply doesn't give a damn about the United Nations, international law or critical dissent, which it regards as impotent and irrelevant. It also has its own bleating little lamb tagging behind it on a lead, the pathetic and supine Great Britain.

The way I reckon, the reason why is well explained by PR Watch in this article. The military Industrial Complex and it's entertainment value on the MSM.

Sunday, February 04, 2007

Cancer in the News

The news abounds that death from cancer's going down
So, we really aught to celebrate.
Still I'm waiting for some mention even an insinuation
that the total number's starting to accelerate.

Dime a dozen the survivors now are all becoming lifers
Hoping not to relapse.
Noting not the total numbers, how this nation slumbers
Common information full of gaps.

Other illness' are also on the rise
increasing I surmise
And all coming from a similar place.
To the air we breathe, the food we eat, the very ground beneath our feet
Chemicals are added at a quickening pace.

Alzheimer's, autism are but two mental disorders whose numbers grew
And all the solutions are the same.
For every disease of the soul or the body is a chemical cure no matter how shoddy
And we're all victims playing this game.

Now, into the circle file...

Saturday, February 03, 2007

Even More War Drums.

Seems that now, it's a given assumption
No need to question the White House spin.
They've lied to the public since quoting the oath
But, now, all is gospel, again.

Oh, they're willing to question political promises
And anything goes in matters domestic
But question the war or the actions of AIPAC
And you're marked as a traitor or anti-semitic.

I question ALL statements my government utters
For the one constant truth is that governments lie.
Their main simple function: Control of the public,
So rich people can profit while poor people die.

Keep all the peons real busy working
Worried and weakened and scared to the bone.
Don't allow any tools like critical thinking
Keep them lost in the circus and feeling alone.

Taking cues from mien kamp we are treated like chattel
They're afraid we might learn of the power we hold.
They fear the changes that we can create
When we stand together and really act bold.

Now, into the circle file...

Friday, February 02, 2007

Beating the War Drums Again

It's not news that Fox is fronting Bush's desire for more war
But now ABC and CBS and NBC are joining the push as quick as they can .
And that "liberal" rag, the New York Times tries to make us believe
The reason Iraq is whipping our ass is solely because of Iran.

It's the same old players with the same old lies
That got us to bleeding in the sands of Iraq
That are trying to scare us and fool us into
A larger debacle along the same track.

So ask yourself what or who is to gain
By believing these new lies and drumbeats for war.
Will you make a profit, will you make a dime
Or will Boeing and Bechtel and Carlyle reap more.

It's your tax dollars baby, buying bullets and bombs
And the Senators stock options getting the loot
While the white collar jobs and the making of cars
And the ultra rich all are fleeing the coop.

And the middle class, working class, all of us peons
Are paying the way if we take in their views
If we don't call them out when they lie to our face.
When they push propaganda while calling it news.

In video form on YouTube.

Now, into the circle file...