Monday, May 28, 2007

Tiptoeing around the edges of Resistance.

Deciding to relax of an evening, I tuned to the History Channel. A favorite subject, Star Wars, is being covered. Seeing in it an allegory for our times, I hear all these references to Greek and Roman mythology and even comparisons to Roman, Napoleonic, and even Nazi attempts at Empire. They even threw in Saddam Hussein as if he had actually attempted an Empire of his own. Only in the last fifteen minutes and then only lightly and fleetingly, did they dare make mention that "Star Wars" might have a possible aspiration to apply to modern times. To our own government's attempt at Empire.

The "Iliad" was not written to critique ancient history. Homer was critiquing his contemporaries. "1984" did not reference a future, it was published in 1948 and the title played on same concept that "war is peace" served in the body of the story. Only fools and illiterates were not aware that Huxley was critiquing his contemporaries. The first critiques of Nero burning Rome were written while Rome was burning. Nor did play writers wait till Germany surrendered before critiquing that attempt at Empire. Likewise, Lucas saw the truth of Nixon and his ilk, who continue now in the guise of neo-liberal neo-cons, and with his art brought forth an epic that loudly condemned the direction he saw our country was heading towards.

Sadly, the audience did as Americans have become prone to doing. Cheer the movie action, then rush out and buy a bunch of things. As a rule we have not been taught self examination. We've been taught to buy things. The History Channel had a chance to help us examine the current failing of our government in its quest for Empire and punted. Personally, I believe they did it on purpose. The History Channel serves to buttress the current attempt at Empire and thus fails to serve the public interest. Of course, being a business venture, they are in it for the money and there is more money to be made backing our current corrupted government than in questioning the status quo.

Fortunately, it did end on an encouraging note. Even an Empire of seemingly universal strength can be overcome by the actions of a few, dedicated people convincing the people in general that true power, as has actually always been, is in the hands of the people themselves. The power of the story itself overcame the efforts to minimize its current relevance.

Now, into the circle file...

Friday, May 11, 2007

When conflicts arise, fire the truth teller.

General John Batiste speaks out against the war in a commercial from and is fired by CBS. CBS is owned by General Electric. So, I reckon it is a conflict of interests due to their being such a large supplier of military equipment. Can't have the help belittling such a profitable situation. Title link is Olbermann's interview with Gen. Batiste. $hrub listens to his Generals only when they tell him what he wants to hear.

One of the bench marks in the Dem's war funding bill mentioned by the corporate media is sharing the oil profits nation wide with all Iraqis. Not mentioned is the bench mark giving 75 to 80% of the profits to the Oil Giants. The demos aren't really talking about ending the occupation, just the American death squads masquerading as security enforcers. Not a word about death squads comprised of private contractors such as Blackwater.

Even Putin thinks the Resident's actions resemble those of the Third Reich.

Now, into the circle file...

Thursday, May 10, 2007

A Wakeup Call

Manuel Valenzuela posts a powerful essay that is in essence a call to action. The above link is to his blog. I read his post off of ICH, a great source for news and opinions, but Manuel proves to be good for some independent truth.

Like I, he has noticed how the corporate media leaves more questions than answers. No longer a source of information, they've become the propaganda branch of government. Television and the public school system are major tools towards creating compliant consumers.

Congress consists of a two headed Hydra with both heads up the corporate ass. Both parties are in collusion as far as war is concerned and too much money is being made for it ever to end, if they have their way.

The official 9-11 conspiracy theory doesn't hold up to the rational questioning it deserves and neither the corporate media or the corporate congress will do the right thing unless we force them to do so.

A decent corroboration comes from Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX) via Media Matters. Both articles end on a positive note. The Internet provides an alternate route for truth to spread and we can use it to try to awaken the public. If the public continues to sleep, there will soon be no America to wake up to.

Now, into the circle file...

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Defining Progress in Iraq

Political progress in Iraq looks like this:

Read the "liberal" New York Times and you get an other apologetic explanation of progress in Iraq in behalf of the criminals in Washington in a prominent story there today.

If, instead, you wish to inform yourself as to the truth, then
Cris Floyd once again provides the most apt description of the ongoing bloodbath that is Iraq. More eloquently than any other author I'm aware of,, he lays out the nuts and bolts of the on going crime the Resident and his cabal are engaged in. And still, as yet only three members of congress have signed up to Impeach. Our Grand Children will not be impressed.

A brilliant satire by C. Floyd of a piece by: Jonathan Wisefellow and Thomas E. Bricks
Washington Post Staff Writers
Tuesday, May 8, 2007; Page A01

Herein he compares the debacle in Iraq to enabling Ted Bundy in a killing spree. I wish he lacked material for his florid prose.

Now, into the circle file...

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Beneath the Radar of the MSM

Paul Hawken ends with a simple statement:
Healing the wounds of the Earth and its people does not require saintliness or a political party. It is not a liberal or conservative activity. It is a sacred act.

He began with a dawning realization:
I have given nearly one thousand talks about the environment in the past fifteen years, and after every speech a smaller crowd gathered to talk, ask questions, and exchange business cards. The people offering their cards were working on the most salient issues of our day: climate change, poverty, deforestation, peace, water, hunger, conservation, human rights, and more.

The bulk of his text contained his growing realization that people in general are pissed and not willing to take it anymore. It is under the radar because it is sometimes comprised of just one person drawing her own line in the sand. Under the radar because the MSM is too busy chasing the latest gossip to notice a million separate actions whose only commonality is dissatisfaction with the status quo. After all, the business of the MSM is maintaining the status quo. Come on now, you didn't think they were here to inform us, did you?

Now, into the circle file...

We need to vote the old-fashion way, on paper.

If you're looking for info on electronic voting here are two Important links.

The first one shows how the Ohio vote in 04 was stolen and by whom. Thank you,
Steven Rosenfeld and Bob Fitrakis
on Common Dreams. The same computers the W.H. was using to hide emails is the same one used to falsify the Ohio vote count during the ninety minutes the official count was frozen election night.

The second one shows what is wrong with the only bill that seems to be trying to create a paper record of electronic elections. Thank you, Nancy Tobi, on There is no fix to black box voting. A computer generated paper trail is nothing but a placebo.

The leading link is one of the two main sites leading the fight. The other is

Be a citizen. Get involved. The MSM will not cover this issue.

Now, into the circle file...