Thursday, May 10, 2007

A Wakeup Call

Manuel Valenzuela posts a powerful essay that is in essence a call to action. The above link is to his blog. I read his post off of ICH, a great source for news and opinions, but Manuel proves to be good for some independent truth.

Like I, he has noticed how the corporate media leaves more questions than answers. No longer a source of information, they've become the propaganda branch of government. Television and the public school system are major tools towards creating compliant consumers.

Congress consists of a two headed Hydra with both heads up the corporate ass. Both parties are in collusion as far as war is concerned and too much money is being made for it ever to end, if they have their way.

The official 9-11 conspiracy theory doesn't hold up to the rational questioning it deserves and neither the corporate media or the corporate congress will do the right thing unless we force them to do so.

A decent corroboration comes from Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX) via Media Matters. Both articles end on a positive note. The Internet provides an alternate route for truth to spread and we can use it to try to awaken the public. If the public continues to sleep, there will soon be no America to wake up to.

Now, into the circle file...

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