Tuesday, May 01, 2007

We need to vote the old-fashion way, on paper.

If you're looking for info on electronic voting here are two Important links.

The first one shows how the Ohio vote in 04 was stolen and by whom. Thank you,
Steven Rosenfeld and Bob Fitrakis
on Common Dreams. The same computers the W.H. was using to hide emails is the same one used to falsify the Ohio vote count during the ninety minutes the official count was frozen election night.

The second one shows what is wrong with the only bill that seems to be trying to create a paper record of electronic elections. Thank you, Nancy Tobi, on OpedNews.com. There is no fix to black box voting. A computer generated paper trail is nothing but a placebo.

The leading link is one of the two main sites leading the fight. The other is BradBlog.com.

Be a citizen. Get involved. The MSM will not cover this issue.

Now, into the circle file...

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