Friday, May 11, 2007

When conflicts arise, fire the truth teller.

General John Batiste speaks out against the war in a commercial from and is fired by CBS. CBS is owned by General Electric. So, I reckon it is a conflict of interests due to their being such a large supplier of military equipment. Can't have the help belittling such a profitable situation. Title link is Olbermann's interview with Gen. Batiste. $hrub listens to his Generals only when they tell him what he wants to hear.

One of the bench marks in the Dem's war funding bill mentioned by the corporate media is sharing the oil profits nation wide with all Iraqis. Not mentioned is the bench mark giving 75 to 80% of the profits to the Oil Giants. The demos aren't really talking about ending the occupation, just the American death squads masquerading as security enforcers. Not a word about death squads comprised of private contractors such as Blackwater.

Even Putin thinks the Resident's actions resemble those of the Third Reich.

Now, into the circle file...

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