Friday, June 16, 2006

Net Nutrality

Two Reps from Texas Abstained from voting on the two votes on the COPE act last week. On the overall bill, two voted against it. On the amendment it was 100% against Net Nutrality

Now, into the circle file...

Friday, June 09, 2006

Bad Propaganda leaves too many questions

If this is all the damage two 500 lb bombs can do, we've been fleeced once again .

IDed by Tattoos? They are forbidded to Muslims.
[correction (6/16/06): OK, he was a thug before he became a muslim.]

Who really benefits by his death? Four US soldiers also died yesterday.

Ideas are so difficult argue and hold that the government gives us figureheads to hate. Whoopee! We killed the head of Al-Qaeda in Iraq. Of course with the same two bombs they created a new martyr. Besides, the job vacancy will soon be filled. Zarqawi was created by the Pentagon and when his death became more useful to the interests of the war machine he was killed.

Now, into the circle file...
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Thursday, June 08, 2006

A New King is Dead

“The King is Dead! The King is Dead! Long live ______ (don’t worry, the propaganda arm of the Resident’s handlers will soon fill in the blank), the new King!”
“We got him! We got him! The most dangerous man in Iraq! We got him!”
Of course nothing on the ground will change, other than a new Martyr has been created.

Meanwhile, the most dangerous man in America is First Lt. Ehren Watada, the first commissioned officer to declare his refusal to serve in Iraq. He justifies his refusal to deploy to Iraq based on constitutional and legal grounds. The danger he poses is not to America, but to the government currently in power. Or rather, the cabal holding the reins. Vietnam ended not when the protesters entered the streets, but when the soldiers refused to enter the fight. The power structure doesn’t recognize the grunts, they are cannon fodder. The officers are a different matter, they are part of the ruling class. Wait, America is a classless society! Yeah, right. If you believe that, there’s this nice little bridge in Brooklyn.

Now, into the circle file…

Monday, June 05, 2006

Time to Bash Gay Marrige or something

Found this, along with song lyrics from a lead on IN YOUR FACE

Picture is posted on Huffington Post.

When you got nothing else to offer and fear isn't working, try hate.

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Friday, June 02, 2006

Bitching on the Blogs

As I peruse the Blogs one sad item of note re-occurs quite too often. A diarist on “Daily Kos,” was ranting on how the tin-foil-demagoguery of Wayne Madsen was trying to miss-lead his readers as to the source of the $90 K found in the Rep.’s freezer. Reading said blog I realized that the ranter had miss-read the lead sentence. WM stated that,” the story of the 90 K,” was linked to Nigerian oil. The DK kid didn’t read the second word leading to his incorrect assessment as to the meaning of that sentence.

Seems to me that before you lambast a mote, you check the alignment of your own beam. I say let's focus the electrons on the fact that this is one Democrat as opposed to how many Republicans? THAT AND THE LEGALLITY OF THE SEARCH. FORGET ABOUT THE SEPERATION OF POWERS, WHAT ABOUT THE RIGHT OF DEFENSE TO HAVE COUNCIL PRESENT WHEN A WARRENT IS SERVED?

Now, into the circle file…