Friday, June 02, 2006

Bitching on the Blogs

As I peruse the Blogs one sad item of note re-occurs quite too often. A diarist on “Daily Kos,” was ranting on how the tin-foil-demagoguery of Wayne Madsen was trying to miss-lead his readers as to the source of the $90 K found in the Rep.’s freezer. Reading said blog I realized that the ranter had miss-read the lead sentence. WM stated that,” the story of the 90 K,” was linked to Nigerian oil. The DK kid didn’t read the second word leading to his incorrect assessment as to the meaning of that sentence.

Seems to me that before you lambast a mote, you check the alignment of your own beam. I say let's focus the electrons on the fact that this is one Democrat as opposed to how many Republicans? THAT AND THE LEGALLITY OF THE SEARCH. FORGET ABOUT THE SEPERATION OF POWERS, WHAT ABOUT THE RIGHT OF DEFENSE TO HAVE COUNCIL PRESENT WHEN A WARRENT IS SERVED?

Now, into the circle file…

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