Monday, April 23, 2007

Texas scores another first

Seems Texas has acquired another first. We lead the nation in the most convicts exonerated by testing of DNA evidence. We got rid of one idiot (sorry, nation) and elected an other to replace him. I used to believe Texans were independent and willful. I'm seeing in them the same sheeple quality that infects the majority of the citizens in the US. There is no outrage in the public at large.

The scandal of perversion and pedophilia in the Texas Youth Commission (those in charge of minors with problems) gets buried by the Federal Attorney (a buddy of Bu$h) and there is no outrage by the public at large.

TXU scales down its desire of 11 new coal fired power plants to three but, wants to build at least three Nuclear plants instead and...The public at large shows no outrage.

I miss the Texas I grew up in. I've known for a long time that the USA as proclaimed in our schools was a farce but, the people I grew up around had pride in their independence of thought. Political arguments were common and varied. Now, nobody seems to want to express strong opinions about anything that doesn't adhere to the Republican Party line.

Now, into the circle file...

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