Sunday, April 22, 2007

Long time no posts

Too busy playing with videos over at U-Tube to do much writing. Politics was getting me down. Seems them Dimocrats weren't going to do much of anything other than blow their horns about how different they were. A little bit of noise about ethics reform. The Supreme Court thinks legislators are more qualified than Doctors about how to treat women. Impeachment off the table and lastly continue the Iraq war at least one more year with no restriction on bombing Iran. Lately, things seem to be warming up. Rep. Waxman is getting ready to issue subpoenas. Everybody's mad at A.G. Gonzales. Congress is beginning to look like an actual branch of Government.

Global warming is getting a whole lot of talk but, I don't really expect any real action. Too many people still grubbing for the next dollar to buy the latest new toy. Even good and good hearted people are too burdened by their daily lives to do much more than pop open a beer, turn on the boob tube, and turn up the A/C at the end of their workday to even realize how their life style contributes to the problem. Took me eight years to convince one friend and he only came around when he heard $hrub admit it was real.

Believe it or not but I found me this place back in '86. I hear a lot of talk about what people are going to need when the economic crunch comes. Stockpiling food, gold, and all kind of things. Me, I found a place with a year round spring that flowed even during the dust bowl days. I reckon with water I can trade for any other need.

Now, into the circle file...

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