Friday, February 23, 2007

Independance in the US

I discovered Dawkins almost as soon as I learned there was any controversy about evolution. Since at the time I was still a church going Catholic and the Pope had no problem with Darwin, so I didn't bother exploring his views. Catching him on C-Span the other night was, to say the least, enjoyable. As far as religious conflicts go, I've come to a new conclusion: If your religion lacks a feminine Godhead, you've picked a
looser; The less organized your religion is, the better off you are! My favorite of Dawkins' statements was, (to paraphrase) "If your morals are predicated on fear of God, I fear you losing your faith."

As far as our "Christian" founders, this bit of propaganda has long been swallowed by the incurious public. I blame our public schools in large part. Most of my teachers would send me to the library rather than open up the class to discussions when I questioned the information in the textbooks. My childish curiosity, which, thankfully I still retain, has been viewed with an anathema by most people with any amount of authority. Seems to me that most people stifle their curiousness in order to keep from being singled out. Very few people can handle being "different." For all the talk of the "Independent American" pulled up by his own bootstraps, lonesome cowboy images portrayed on TV and film and portrayed by "maverick" politicians, try actually stepping outside of mainstream thinking and you'll quickly learn how much independence is valued by the herd mentality that predominates in our society.

Yesterday I learned that female chimps were making spears. Looks like whatever God there is might be getting ready to replace us.

Now, into the circle file...

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