Friday, February 02, 2007

Beating the War Drums Again

It's not news that Fox is fronting Bush's desire for more war
But now ABC and CBS and NBC are joining the push as quick as they can .
And that "liberal" rag, the New York Times tries to make us believe
The reason Iraq is whipping our ass is solely because of Iran.

It's the same old players with the same old lies
That got us to bleeding in the sands of Iraq
That are trying to scare us and fool us into
A larger debacle along the same track.

So ask yourself what or who is to gain
By believing these new lies and drumbeats for war.
Will you make a profit, will you make a dime
Or will Boeing and Bechtel and Carlyle reap more.

It's your tax dollars baby, buying bullets and bombs
And the Senators stock options getting the loot
While the white collar jobs and the making of cars
And the ultra rich all are fleeing the coop.

And the middle class, working class, all of us peons
Are paying the way if we take in their views
If we don't call them out when they lie to our face.
When they push propaganda while calling it news.

In video form on YouTube.

Now, into the circle file...

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