Saturday, February 03, 2007

Even More War Drums.

Seems that now, it's a given assumption
No need to question the White House spin.
They've lied to the public since quoting the oath
But, now, all is gospel, again.

Oh, they're willing to question political promises
And anything goes in matters domestic
But question the war or the actions of AIPAC
And you're marked as a traitor or anti-semitic.

I question ALL statements my government utters
For the one constant truth is that governments lie.
Their main simple function: Control of the public,
So rich people can profit while poor people die.

Keep all the peons real busy working
Worried and weakened and scared to the bone.
Don't allow any tools like critical thinking
Keep them lost in the circus and feeling alone.

Taking cues from mien kamp we are treated like chattel
They're afraid we might learn of the power we hold.
They fear the changes that we can create
When we stand together and really act bold.

Now, into the circle file...

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