Thursday, January 25, 2007

Smoke & Mirrors pt 2

The last of my rants at the Residents mumbles, lies, and promise of war, and of more war to come. Invading Afganistan, Iraq, and Somalia weren't enough. He wants to make a mess in Iran also. All the while driving the USA into bankruptcy.

From the time he entered adulthood(?) he has done one thing consistantly. The one thing he has never failed at doing is failing at whatever he is doing. Couldn't even find oil in Texas. Only time he ever made any money in business was when he did some insider trading. Seeing as how his dad was the Resident at that time, the investigation was dropped. Must be nice. Well, if you don't have a conscience that is.

So, he failed in Afganistan. Then he failed in Iraq. Then he failed in New Orleans. I'm sure his adventure in Somalia will be a failure. As for his coming failure in Iran, I'm afraid that will be his ultimate failure and the beginning of a world wide nuclear war. Started by a man who cannot utter a coherent sentence without cue cards. Do the fools who control him think they will escape the fallout?

Now, into the circle file...

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