Wednesday, January 24, 2007

The depth our nation has sunk to.

On national TV, On "Meet the Press," I quote from the New York Times, what came from the lips of a very vile man, Steven Hadley:

Mr. Bush's National Security Adviser, Stephen J. Hadley, said in an interview on "Meet the Press" on NBC that the White House has sufficient money under its control to deploy the troops as planned, and he suggested that once the troops are in place, Congress would be reluctant to cut off funding.

"I think once they get in harm's way, Congress's tradition is to support those troops," Mr. Hadley said.

If you've been wondering how low, how reprehensible the governing office could get, look no further. This piece of slime actually said that Sunday morning on National TV.

After the soldiers are harmed they have this to look forward to:
Defense Department officials have laid off most of their case workers who help severely injured service members, sources said.

And the Nation slumbers on. I think it's time to wake our congress critters up:

US Capitol toll-free: 877-851-6437

My answers to State Of The Union speech are here and here for a start.

Now, into the circle file...

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