Sunday, November 05, 2006

November, already.

Voted already, to ensure I leave a paper trail. I intend to spend Tuesday at my local polling place, just to interact with the populace and hopefully educate on the stupidity of our current system of trusting those black boxes with our votes.

It is almost too easy as nearly everyone has a computer and no one has had a trouble free experience. Ask them if they'd trust their life on the reliability of a computer and at least it gets them to thinking. I tell them they have a right to request a paper ballot and I was pleasantly surprised how many took that option during the primaries.

Dickhead Pearle has learned that the war he championed so loudly for, four years ago, turns out to have been a mistake.
If it took this long for him to learn that, he's a slow learner and probably unable to project that lesson forward. I can hope that he will stop banging the drum for a new war with Iran. If he thinks that the war with Iraq was a "mistake," I lack the language to define the boondoggle that will insue should the cretins in control ignite the conflagration of a war with Iran. The truly maddening part of this is that I have to include way too many Democrats in the insane list of warmongers. Too much money in military contracts, I reckon.

Now, into the circle file...

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