Sunday, June 24, 2007

Bye Bye Democracy

Once again Paul Craig Roberts not only hits the nail on the head as to where our country is heading if we don't wake up the sheeple and do a 180* fishtail, but drives it home with clear, simple language that not only connects the dots, he does so in an irrefutable manner. In this age of empty talking heads and propaganda puppet pundits, it is easy to see why he cannot be found in the arena of the Military-Industrial-Corporate-Congressional-Media. Even Joe Six-Pack would understand and respond to his message. His commentary deserves a full read, so no quotes here.

On a note more complicated, yet still vital, Columbia, the media giant not the Country, is on the verge of eliminating our electronic privacy. They have a court order (pending appeal) that is requiring an ISP to begin keeping records of all data passing through RAM to be used in the future as evidence of past transgressions. Everything you type, say, see, and hear with your computer passes through its RAM which makes this a prosecutors wet dream, but in reality points out the ignorance that inundates our society. Sorry, but that's as simple as I can explain it. The upshoot goes as follows:
For example, if you have a VOIP-based phone system (where conversations appear momentarily in RAM in your data center), are you responsible for recording every phone call for potential disclosure in litigation?
The article ends simply:
If you're worried about government-issued wiretap orders, maybe it's time to start worrying about Hollywood-issued ones too.

An other Alternet article concludes this rant. Statistical analysis (.pdf) of talk radio proves the lie of a "Liberal" bias. Not that any Neo-Con-Repug bothers with facts.

Now, into the circle file...

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