Thursday, August 03, 2006

Must See TV

Marty Kaplan has a video on that needs to be seen by every voter using a Diebold Voting Machine, especially by any Republican who cries,"Sour grapes," when the validity of the past three elections is called into question.

As for the progress on the Resident...Let's see, Afghanistan is being retaken by the Taliban while the Warlords are busy growing Opium poppies, Iraq, in the midst of a civil war, unites in opposition to US policy towards Hiz'bola, and he's pushing Israel into war with Syria and Iran. That will give him an excuse to invade those countries with the backing on a congress that bows to one master: AIPAC. I say excuse for his reason is apolitical it's apocalyptic
MEANWHILE THE SHEEPLE ARE DUTIFULLY SWALLOWING THE LIES. Belief in the non-existent WMD's in Iraq has grown from the Resident's rabid 30% to 48% thanks to the MSM. FORGET THE FACTS, GIVE ME ANYTHING TO KEEP ME FROM FEELING GUILTY!

Now, into the circle file...

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