Sunday, August 27, 2006

A Nightmare in Progress

A government built on a simple idea:
The citizens shall be in control.
Open up schools, give the reigns to the people
Allow them to gather, let free speech grow.

Four two hundred years the experiment stumbled
And staggered and strained and expanded the base.
Slaves gained their freedom and women the vote
The simple idea was showing its grace.

Yet, hidden in shadows and driven by greed
And a total devotion to gaining more
Lying and scheming and bleeding this country.
A cabal of cretins corrupt to their core.

The people seem willing to give up their birthright
Surrender the reigns to a powerful few
To cower in fear in front of their TVs
Too lazy to learn, too complacent to stew.

The experiment ends not with a bang
With a whimper, a drooling demise.
We may have become the most powerful nation
One thing we are not is wise.

Now, into the circle file...

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