Saturday, August 26, 2006

The Once Great USA

As the Resident spills the military's blood on the sands of Iraq, he spills the nation's monetary treasure into the pockets of the multi-national corporations and the coffers of the Military-Industrial complex.
From an unusually large surplus to a bankrupting deficit, the biggest bully on the block may soon find that it didn't win the cold war after all.

In another sign that the United States is rapidly drifting into "Third World" status as a major world debtor nation, Russia has announced that it has paid off its $31.1 billion debt to foreign countries incurred during Soviet times. Russia paid off its debt largely as a result of the increase in the price of oil -- a major Russian export. Not only has the ruble been made fully convertible but Russia is now attracting major investments and its bond rating has improved.

Russia's economic turnaround has also increased its clout at the expense of Bush's neo-con strategists. Russia has forgiven about two thirds of Syria's $13 billion debt and has initiated port development schemes in the ports of Tartus and Latakia, old Soviet naval bases. Russia's strong financial and military support for Syria checked neo-con plans to militarily attack Syria.

You may not like the messenger (Aug. 23, 2006), but it doesn't change the facts. The Resident has made the USA a debter nation and we may/will soon lose the ability to purchase the oil needed to run our military monster. I've heard the Res called dumb, an idiot, a buffoon, and while I do not disagree, I'm begining to think an important new discription is: Suicidal.

Now, into the circle file...

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