Monday, October 02, 2006

October Surprises

Statements like this from "The Committee on the Present Danger" scare me:

The Hon. Henry Cooper

Director, Strategic Defense Initiative, 1990–93
Chief U.S. Negotiator, Geneva Defense and Space Talks with the Soviet Union, 1987–89
Deputy Negotiator, Geneva Defense and Space Talks with the Soviet Union, 1985–87

"Terrorism poses as potent a threat to our freedom as did communism – preserving our liberty while winning the war on terrorism may be more difficult than was ending the 'evil empire.' "

The Battle Carrier Group Eisenhower deploys this week for the Persian Gulf instead of docking as scheduled for maintenance. It is due off the coast of Iran on or about October 21. This info comes via Ray McGovern (27 year veteran of the CIA, retired 1990).

On October 7 a large Emergency Responders Training Exercise is scheduled to occur in several major cities. The last time there was a training exercise this large was September 11, 2001. If an other "Terrorist" attack occurs Bush will have free reign (by the sleep walking American public) to launch an attack on Iran.

Now, into the circle file...

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