Monday, October 02, 2006

Points to Ponder

The Congress voted for secret Torture
You have no right to remain silent
No attorney will be present.
Arrested on suspicion of the President
That you are a Terrorist.
Meanwhile on prime time
Commercials are pushing
Viagra and sugar and sleep aids
Get busy. Quit thinking. Go back to sleep.

Get with the program they said,
“Let us lead.” And over a cliff they proceed.
Do you really want to follow
That dark path they have embarqued?
Wanting to know everything about everyone
While working in secret themselves.
There is a word for that, “Totalitarian.”

Most of your taxes now feed the war machine
Instead of feeding or schooling our children.
The Government backed a coup in Venezuela
To benefit multinational business.
Now they claim a coup that overthrew
A corrupted congress in Thailand was wrong.
So, shut up, eat your sugar, and turn on the TV.
Until you fall asleep again.

There is a call for new harsher laws on immigration
Having not enforced the ones already written.
The drive to ban all abortions
Now includes banning all contraception.
In a country founded on freedom, the government wants to control every aspect of our lives.
And when truth is inconvenient to “Our Leaders“, they conveniently tells lies.

A religion founded on charity and forgiveness
Has become a weapon to justify killing and plunder.
The Speaker of the House covers for a pedophile Preaches Christian values while in Hubris the A.G. tells the Courts to be humble.
The President says his job is not to protect and defend as he swore in his induction.
His job, he says, is to protect us, keep us safe, even if it means destroying the Constitution.

No one claims to know the Republican’s largest contributor as the “Contract for America” became “The Contract on America.”
The ideological drive to remove “Liberals” from Congress becomes driven by greed.
The driving force of office holders is to stay in office long enough to earn a pension.
The total lack of values and concern for citizens drives belief into suspension.

Watch Bill Moyers on PBS Wednesday for the Tip of an Iceburg.

Now, into the circle file...

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