Tuesday, May 23, 2006

The Policies of Hypocracy

Hypocracy, thy name is: "Resident Bush." [With many thanks to Arundhati Roy for this, among so many other enlightening moments.]

Yesterday, May 22, 2006, he spoke before one of his selected audiences and lectured South America, Bolivia and Venezuela in particular, on Human Rights, on focusing on short term goals without regard to long term consequences, and on interference in an other country's Democratic policies. Talk about complaining of the mote in someone elses eyes.

An actual cu' de ta in Venezuela orcestrated by the good old U.S.A. Transfering nucular technology to India. Lecturing on Human Rights after fighting The McCaine-Fiengold Anti-Torture Act (and then adding a signing statement stating that he did not have to abide by it if he didn't want to) and insisting on the extention of the Patriot Act (with its concomitant signing statement that excludes his compliance at his simple whim).

The audacity, the hubris, the unmitigated gaul of, "Do as I say, not as I do," from any other individual would be unbelievable. From Resident bush it has become par for the course. In the same speech in Chicago, he held Iraq up as an example of the splendors of Democracy. Never mind the the blood and gore and the occupation, those are just minor aspects of the process.

Unlike the majority of the U.S. public, when I listen to what he says through the Mainstream Media, I join Arundhati Roy in ROTFLMAO (ask a kid what that stands for), because I no longer have tears left for the damage this cariciture of a man does to this world. Yes, I know he's just the Figurehead, but I include the whole cabal as he wouldn't be such a nuisance without them. I'm still pissed at Ford the Fraud for pardoning the greater part of them without a proper trial. We almost had them then.

Now, into the circle file...

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