Tuesday, May 30, 2006

We Haven't been attacked since 9-11

“We haven’t been attacked since 9-11,” the defining mantra in defense of all actions questioned by the population at large (when not proclaimed “Secret, due to National Security”), begets a question seldom given public discourse. Why, in the wake of that most horrible event has no penalty been paid by those who were in charge of the defense of our nation at the time not been held responsible for their dereliction of duty? Instead of even a minimal “Slap on the wrist” the failure of the secretaries of Defense, State, and Intelligence have been given promotions and medals. Non believers in the “Peter Principle” should hang their heads in shame. For those few unfamiliar with the Peter Principle, it simply states that one rises to his/her level of incompetence. I.e.: Once reaching their highest capability they are then promoted to a position for which they are incapable of fulfilling the requirements called for. In point of fact, this administration has taken it to a new level. Having already achieved the fulfillment of said principle and proven their incompetence, they are promoted to an even more demanding job.

We now have a new corollary. People having proven their disregard for the safety of the populace and the heart of our constitution are given more power to disabuse both. General Hayden’s appointment to head the CIA being the latest example, Negroponte’s being the most egregious, and Gonzales’ the most insidious. The checks and balances we were taught to revere in grade school don’t exist when the Judicial Branch is Ideologically driven to enhance the Executive and the Legislative only becomes concerned when the actions of the Executive directly impact the persons of that body, after having long ignored their actions on ordinary citizens privacy. Where was this indignation during the passage of the so called Patriot Act? You know, when the protections of the Fourth and Fifth Amendments were regulated and legislated to the status of inconvenient hamstrings to the powers of the State. I only wish they were as attuned to our concerns and grievances as they are to their large Corporate donors and their own private worries. It seems the only times this happens is election time and then only on a verbal level. It never reaches the level of policy after the election, but always goes back to the status quo.

The latest example is most revealing in that after years of ignoring corruption in government the Justice department focuses on a Democrat. I wonder what has become of their investigation on Prick’s Halliburton?

Now, into the circle file…

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