Sunday, September 10, 2006

The Omnipresent Enemy

Too often we hear from the profits of fear how the proof of repressive agendas, in making us safe is the fact that as yet there have been no attacks on our Homeland, but:
Summary: Despite all the ominous warnings of wily terrorists and imminent attacks, there has been neither a successful strike nor a close call in the United States since 9/11. The reasonable -- but rarely heard -- explanation is that there are no terrorists within the United States, and few have the means or the inclination to strike from abroad.
Oh, but such a rational discourse would not sell pork and perks, of course, so politicians loudly shout that terror is what life's about and more money, guns, and war will fix the problem.

What I preceive, what I beleive is "Terror" plays in Prime Time and since our "News" are corporate owned, they tow the party line.

Now, into the circle file...

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