Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Talking Points Vs Political Dialogs

I try to spend some AM time each day listening to C-Span. I get my take on what’s at stake and where the players come from. The level of schooling, or lack there of, is readily apparent. Democrats and Independents offer a wide ranging plate of opinions, usually with facts on hand. Republicans bring their daily, dictated from the top, talking points based on fear.

For five years now, the main complaint emanating from the Republican side is Democrats don’t march in lock-step. As if a homogenous, single opinion can represent 300 million people. Cracks are beginning to open inside the Republican legislative bodies, but the rank and file haven’t noticed. Today’s talking point seems to be that Democrats are obstructionists (and the “Liberal Media” is showing it’s stripes by laying out facts instead of backing the Resident and actually covering what Democrats are saying and not just what Republicans say Democrats stand for) and the US will go to Hell in a hand basket if Democrats take control of Congress.

Republicans facing tough re-elections are co-opting Progressive positions. The White House is backing a Senator who publicly proclaimed that he didn’t vote for Bush in ‘04. Rep. Wilson (R-NM) resisted attempts by the Bush appeasers to give Carte Blank to government wiretaps. Rep. Shays (R-Con) is looking for ways to get troops out of Iraq. All the while he’s talking about how great we’re doing in training Iraqi troops. Not so much in the last six months, maybe, but really great overall. Of course if you criticize what the Resident does it’s because you hate him.

Like the moc-umetry “Path to 9-11,” it seems to me that the only way for Republicans to explain the monumental mess they’ve made is to revise history and blame everything on Clinton. Meanwhile on the world’s stage, ”More than 100 other nations are pushing to broaden the world's definition of "terrorism" to include the U.S. occupation of Iraq and the Israeli invasion of Lebanon.”

Some entertainment for your education!

Now, into the circle file…

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