Sunday, September 24, 2006

This is my country?

So, the three maveric? Republicans make a big show about bucking the Resident and with their tails between their legs mealy mouth how they are supporting article 3 of Geneva. NOT. BS lies for mainstream distribution to give them security cover. And the sheeple will suck it up hook, line, and sinker. The CIA will continue their torture. And innocent people will continue to languish in dark holes while the nations collective leaders keep their heads up the Resident's as...
Or better said:
What we have seen today is no "grand compromise," no "great debate," no "act of principle" and certainly no "preservation" of the Geneva Conventions. What we have seen instead is a small group of rich, cynical, power-hungry old bastards belch forth lies in the service of torture and tyranny. And if you're not angry about that, if you're not "shrill" about that, then by God you are one piss-poor American citizen. You shame every man and woman who have fought and died and marched and worked and dreamed for our freedoms.

Now, into the circle file...

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