Sunday, September 24, 2006

Quiet! It's in the Interest of National Security

Like good little soldiers we're to silently comply
And pay for the growth of security.
Take for example the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), yet another sprawling, ill-organized, inefficient bureaucracy established after 9/11 and not likely to do anything but grow in our lifetimes. Around it has sprung into existence an anti-terrorism homeland-security industry (thank you, Osama bin Laden!) of staggering proportions. "Seven years ago," writes Paul Harris of the British Guardian, "there were nine companies with federal homeland security contracts. By 2003 it was 3,512. Now there are 33,890."
That one department of seventeen is and all grow
How big and how fast you don't need to know
Just pay your taxes and bask in safety.

Now, into the circle file...

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