Friday, September 29, 2006

A Pre 9-11 Mindset

In the early 13th Century, Genghis Kan outlawed torture. In 2006, Congress reinstated torture as an interrogation policy. Early in the Thirteenth Century, the King was stripped of his ability to detain a person with out charges being brought. In 2006, Congress voted to restore that power to the State. A truly pre 9/11 mindset.

65 to 34 and 253 to 168 the US went from being a Banana Republic , Tin-Pot Dictatorship to a pre-middle ages Authoritarian Despotism. Good bye Magna Carta. It only applies to foreigners, we’re told. If you believe that, I’ve got a bridge in Brooklyn you aught to buy from me. The Resident can declare you an enemy combatant, send you to Guantanamo, deny you a lawyer, not tell you what the charges are, keep secret the evidence against you, and torture you for the names of other “Guilty” people. That is what Habeas Corpus no longer applying means.

Yesterday, 300 people were denied their First Amendment Right to peacefully assemble and protest. Under the new rules, they could be charged with threatening the material interests’ of businesses and thereby becoming an Enemy Non-Combatant. Have you ever donated to an umbrella type Charitable organization? If they then take a portion of that money and distribute it to an other charity that the government later proclaims aids “Terrorists,” surprise, you are now, an Enemy Non-Combatant. Off to Guantanamo! I am not exaggerating. At least 34 Senators and 168 Representatives agree with me as does a coalition of hundreds of Constitutional Scholars and Lawyers and over 30 newly retired military officers and over 100 retired analysts from the CIA, NSA, and FBI.

John Christensen , of the third century church said,
“He or she, who is not angry when there is cause for anger, sins. Anger looks to the good of Justice. If you can look at in-justice without anger, then you are unjust.”
Unreasoned patience is what occurred in the 1930s. As people were being carted off, held with out charges, and tried and convicted in secret courts, good God fearing and otherwise intelligent German people remained silent. Are we too busy watching TV, cheering our favorite sports team, to do the right thing? As Dante’ warned us,
“The hottest places in Hell are reserved for those who remain neutral in times of crisis.”

Now, into the circle file...

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